April 1st is here again, happy new cycle! What joy. Ode to joy. One of those rare days we can take our mask off and be ourselves. “Do this in my honor,” said the lord Jesus. I’ll show you where He said that later, but first, let’s dig deeper into this first day of fools, April 1st. The Fool
We must start with the Tarot, for The Fool card is Zero and represents the start of a new cycle. The Fool is enthusiastic and impulsive, and any lessons he/she learns in this life will make them grow in the next. Yes, I am talking about rebirth, or as we like to say in modern times, reincarnation.
You see, in ancient times, April 1st was the first day of the new year. It was the natural start of a new cycle. The time when life was returning to the trees and flowers, and the frozen ice was retreating back into the earth from which it came. The Anglo-Saxxons called it Eastermonath, for the goddess Eostre, who was the goddess of spring and rebirth. She was also called “Ostara” and “Eastre” in other tribes. The name is not important, for most of the written records honoring the pagan gods and goddesses of the past were destroyed by the Abrahmic faiths as they grew into the Knights in Satan's Army that they are today. Sad, but true.
Aphrodite |
April is named after the Greek goddess Aphrodite (the Roman Venus). And in ancient, ancient times, after the March equinox, it was customary to hold a week-long celebration to mark the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Yes, the miracle of reincarnation of life that happens right before our eyes every year. This, my spirit guides reminds me, is why we feel such joy this time of year as we are reminded of the reality of our own deaths (winters), which will inevitably be followed up by our reincarnations (springs); time, after, time, after, time.... The miracle that no religious story can top, for we see it before our own eyes, each year; that is, for those of us with eyes to see.
Demiurge |