
August 31, 2020

Twelve More Years, They Win!

 Twelve more years!  That is what they yelled at Donald Trumps last rally.  The last and only president to serve twelve years was Franklin D Roosevelt.  The guy who gave us the New Deal.  Before the New Deal, no one had health insurance when they retired.  No one had unemployment insurance.  No one had a Social Security check when they retired.   There were the “Haves” and “Have Nots.”  If you haven’t gotten it yet, that is what is at stake here.  The Trump followers we think are “Racist” are actually part of the Reagan plan to destroy all social programs.  The Republicans are being told this in secret.  This is why they are going along with Crazy Trump.  They are all in on it, at least a 3rd of the Democrats and all of the Republicans.  So get ready.  They win!  

Some pictures of life before the New Deal.  Enjoy. 



Closed For Business Until Further Notice Due To Wars

 I'm taking a war break: Remember, which ever side you're on, sides suck.  ~~ Eso Terry 

Thanks For Being!

Thanks For Being!