I haven't posted in a few days. And why for not? Or is that, what for you? Seems my mind has gone Donald Trump; that place where reality doesn't matter, for truth is what I say it is, not what it is. In other words, I've had enough. I'm checking out. This is my last post ever. Nothing I say matters. Nothing I do matters. There is no desire in this country for truth, love, peace. The things I admire the most in the world. The people in control suck, there's no doubt, but would it be better if say another class of people were in charge? No, because the majority of people suck. The majority of the people only care about themselves. Right now, we're down on the white men who own everything and want to continue to do so. Here's the shit: if the majority was brown or black it wouldn't be no different for they would slant things in their favor too, it's the truth. I've been in communities of color and they believe their shit doesn't stink just like the gray-headed man with his polo shirt and his over pasteurized wife standing in from of their million-dollar home with guns. My neighbor is Puerto Rican and loves him some Trump. He can't afford healthcare for his Stay-at-Home wife and blames it on Obama Care. Nothing I tell him can change this. As a wedding videographer I've done Jewish, Muslim, Mexican, and Hindu weddings. In these groups there are nice people, but if you pay close attention, there is still the same breakdown of the selfish, greedy, my-way-or-the-highway types in those people as there are in the mean-old white guys running the world today.
My message to everyone: stop attacking other tribes, look at your own. Do you really think it will be any better when the brown man/woman is in control of everything? No, the haves will protect their wealth and those of us with hearts and souls to care will die inside every morning trying to make a difference, when there is no difference. Donald Trump is the ruler we deserve. I give up. He wins. I'm not voting. If he wants it that bad he can have it.
And to you who think you're making a difference, suck my Peter Built, I've gone rogue. I'm getting my own and becoming an angry white man because I know you'll do the same when you win the birth lottery.
People suck: end of story.
Dr TV Boogie