
February 24, 2015

The Year of the Goat 2015

EVERY first New Moon of the Chinese Lunar calendar sets the emotional tone for all the year's 12 months. Interestingly, this feminine Moon (mood) stirs well in tandem with the masculine energies of the Fu Star Jupiter in western astrology which include optimism, growth, generosity, joy and abundance.

Now, 2015 is the Year of the Green Wooden Goat (also Sheep). It begins on February 19 marked by the transit of the lunar Goat eighth animal in the eastern parade of zodiac signs whose scintillating qualities (creative, intelligent, dependable and calm) may give color to the manner with which we act on or react to opportunities (courtesy, of course, by the Fu Star) cropping up for sure until February 7, 2016.


AGE OLD Chinese zodiac tradition describes the Goat personality: "Comfortable being alone to ponder the workings of their inner minds, Goats enjoy being part of a group, but prefer the sidelines rather than the center.

Their nurturing personality makes Goats excellent caregivers. They're quiet and reserved because they spend much time absorbed in their thoughts.

"Home and alone is where Goats feel most comfortable. There they can express themselves artistically, whether it's by painting, cooking or participating in whatever artistic endeavors they enjoy. Goats prefer the couch because there they can relax and explore their minds. They don't need elaborate furnishings, only items reflecting their desire for art.

"When traveling or seeking entertainment, Goats prefer groups or venues that hold many people. Goats spend money on fashions that give them a first class appearance. Although Goats enjoy spending money on the finer things in life, they are not snobbish. Perhaps, because Goats are basically serene, they tend to have fewer health problems. Their fragile exterior hides the fact they're typically very healthy. When they're happy, they're healthy. When Goats become unhappy, especially as a result of romance, they quickly become sick.

"Goats tend to be private, so it can take effort to get to know one. The Goat is the one who will decide when and with whom it will share its personal life. As a result, most Goats have few 'close' friends, yet they'll work hard for those they love.

"Goats at work prefer being part of a flock. Power and status aren't important. Goats will only assume leadership roles when asked directly. They'll never volunteer. "Good career choices for Goats include: florist, interior designer, daycare teacher, pediatrician, actor, editor, hair stylist, illustrator, musician and art history teacher."

The combined Moon Fu Star transit affects all the signs of both eastern (Chinese) and western zodiacs. In this horoscope, these are the counterpart signs: Aries is Dragon, Taurus is Snake, Gemini is Horse, Cancer is Goat, Leo is Monkey, Virgo is Rooster, Libra is Dog, Scorpio is Pig, Sagittarius is Rat, Capricorn is Ox, Aquarius is Tiger and Pisces is Rabbit. So, read accordingly.


THE lucky Fu Star/Jupiter has been in your chart's sector of passionate amour, friendships and creativity since mid2014. So, friends that make you beam and warm up from the inside deepen in 2015, as you knit them into your daily life. That sunny melody plays on into the new year to August 11, when the fortune bringer segues in to fire up your well being, your work life and daily rhythm. The new year launch could feel, especially thrilling in some way.

That comes from feeling juiced up with the vital, bighearted energies of Fu Star/Jupiter, and a sense of being on the verge of something wholly unexpected a surprise.

However, continue to be cautious now about getting fired up to do battle with authorities. This could be a trap for you, and is only effective if you're confronting the power at its source. Learn about the history of wealth and power, who has it and why.

For greater success in your career or business, be proud, confident, generous and aboveboard in your professional dealings. Generosity can be shown through offering special sales, making customers feel special and unique, and giving to charities.

Spend the second part of 2015 (when Fu Star/Jupiter lights up the Rooster/Virgo sign) being a health maniac. Look into super-foods, refine your diet, balance out your day. Also, add new skills and more consistency to your day. This transit helps you put substance to your flash, and find a productive rhythm.


ONE trait of the Snake/Taurus is being steadfast, and that's admirable, but this can also lead to getting you bogged down in stagnant situations.

You are loyal and stick around, through thick and thin. During the last two years, your night vision goggles have been on, seeing the psychic and emotional reality of your relationships. You've been weeding, and 2015 is a time for seeding, in the love and friends department.

So 2015 is a year to enjoy a revival of your social life, with those kindred spirits you're able to naturally grow and flourish with.

Fu Star/Jupiter keeps you from getting too stuck in your ways, and reminds you of what you're truly passionate about. Follow what generates enthusiasm, and take note of what saps your will to live.

As Fu Star/Jupiter moves into the Rooster/Virgo sign from August 2015, you feel you are in your earth element. You thrive when you join your driving ambitions to a need you see out there. The pace of growth suits you, and makes it a good time to hone your craft, or develop a new area of expertise.

From a few angles, you're now invited to show more of your true colors, and step into the spotlight. In all you do, you bring your whole self to the moment, and others warm to this in a big way.


THE year 2015 could bring a significant "Twin" flame into your life, in love, friendship, creative collaboration or entrepreneurship. Stay on alert for those that share a vision or mission, and widen your sense of what's possible. Wise choices are those that keep you at your edge, inspired, curious and learning.

Your Horse/Gemini style is geared to the moment, the immediate impulse and what you're perceiving. With that pressure, you're able to stay aligned to the path that matches your future visions. More than ever, it's a year to dream big and use all your intelligences. And to follow your instincts, to stay magnetically aligned to your "true north."

By August Fu Star/Jupiter's transit into Rooster/Virgo sign keeps you on the straight and narrow health wise. Your path of growth is found in paying attention to your body, and taking time to digest all that you're taking in.

Many factors have you seeking a sense of purpose, and that can include matching your skills to a need you see "out there." You might explore roles through volunteering or an apprenticeship.

This is a super year to find your voice and/or unique style, through any kind of medium. There's discipline, especially when you're inspired by the vision you're aiming for. Be vigilant about avoiding getting caught in mass memes of distraction.

Toxic gossip takes you into the hall of mirrors, and is a time waster.


FORTUNE is smiling on you, Goat/Cancer, but, especially in early July when planets merge for big love. So let yourself free associate what kinds of goodies that could bring.

The Fu Star/Jupiter, in particular, lights the fires of faith, purpose, unexpected windfalls and lucky breaks. This is just one peak, in a year of pinnacles.

Fu Star/Jupiter in Monkey/Dragon is a vivacious presence in your "personal money" area up to mid2015, generating enthusiasm for blooming where planted. You grow confident in your natural talents, and settle in to a groove of investing your time to develop them.

The second half of 2015, as Fu Star/Jupiter transits to healthful Rooster/Virgo, foretells a path of growth when you steer close to the way of nature. Friends and neighbors surprise with commonsense plans to foster mutual thriving.

Being a presence in your neighborhood or civic circle, through volunteering or simply walking daily, brings unexpected returns. You make dependable allies in the course of the day, at classes or while running errand.

2015 presents opportunities for possible travel linked to seeking wholeness. Travel to foreign lands could dovetail with learning, or research, in some way. But be wary of empty promises or buying anything, sight unseen, that is in a far off place.


YOU'RE held in the magnificent glow of lucky Fu Star/Jupiter into 2015, so be watchful for favorable openings. This aspect magnifies your natural traits of generosity, creative adventurousness and lust for adventure. This charged, beneficial cosmic current is alight to August 11, making it a year for courageous growth. You could use this time, until Springtime (March to May), to remember, renew, restore and reinvigorate your dreams. You're invited now to hitch your dreams to the bigger waves of life.

What is your special role to play, and where does your shining light do the most good for your fellow beings? You gain almost supernatural speed, when you devote your unique radiance to a higher cause. Take heart, as the stars have been helping you purify your heart and soul.

But for most of 2015, you get acceleration, punching signature passion to your area of amore and adventure. This is also the area of children, and some of you may gain responsibilities here, or experience a shift of worldview in this regard.

That adds up to 2015 being a year of personal initiation, to get out there and experience life first hand. Another benefice star is always acting as a kind of anchor, urging you to stay authentic and resist the temptation to get pushy with your quest. There's always more to learn, and if you keep that in mind, it keeps you humble in your seeking.


A SYMPHONY of supportive orchestrations is going on for you in 2015, to know yourself profoundly, even as you release "what you know" into the cosmic stream.

Fu Star/Jupiter has been doing its secretive round in the dark of your private life, and continues to midyear. So, what's found likely makes you optimistic, and reminds you that you're way more interesting than what's "on paper."

At the same time, another star in your creative zone highlights further excavation of what makes you one-of-a-kind. You continue to discover treasures that are part of your unique shine. These can then be expressed in Rooster/Virgo approved ways, with a lot of skill and modesty. However, you won't be able to hide without recognition, as Fu Star/Jupiter bursts into your house of Self by August 11. The special ingredients you bring a mix of shine and substance attracts admirers in a big way. You also find allies at this time, willing to follow your plan, collaborate or be a supportive friend.

With Fu Star/Jupiter here, your fertility is high, and some might see that with the expansion of family. There's also an expansive atmosphere to your presence. And this enables you to make a stellar first impression. A key note to 2015's stars will activate your urge for greener pastures. You get restless to roam, and to move beyond limiting circumstances. You may move abroad or say yes to a career enrichment opportunity.

The chief arena is with your personal presence, and how you feel moving about in your world. You're able to shake off anything that's false, and show a truer, more authentic face.

And this meets a receptive audience, and leads to friendships that feel more real, too. If you've been living too in the virtual, Jupiter's presence encourages meetups in the flesh. You could experience a revival of good old fashioned happenings, and even lead them and find others responsive in a big way.

A grand chord of 2015 is that the stars play off in your first and seventh houses (houses where the "I Am" of Dragon/Aries and the "We" of Dog/Libra look to strike a balance). So a prominent theme for you is experimenting with being a bit selfish, having the aggrandize in the house of self-image even as it makes you more devoted than ever to being selfless.


LIBRA, you've had some astonishing wake-up calls, jolting you out of relationship habits that seemed so ingrained as to be part of who you are. The shocks to your system have been both an ordeal, and the invitation to a brand new life.

Until March 17, you're in the quake-and-shake zone again one last time. Here, you're a magnet for lovable freaks, geniuses and feral cats. Some relationships could be breathlessly short, but even that's okay, with your growing trust that the right people darken your door.

At the same time, you are being urged to find your own authentic to the roots version of home and family life. You are digging beyond the sediment of social conditioning, to discover your own traditions and sense of timelessness. But early July is a flash bang time for love with an affair in lusty Monkey/Leo period. Your Summer looks to be festive and spirited, with some passion spiked in the love punch.

Fu Star/Jupiter's move into Rooster/Virgo (by August 11), means your hermit self holds some sway. Your growth now comes from being highly attuned to your body, as a messenger to be respected. You widen your circle to make use of subtle perception to the unseen. You might spend more time, for example, lying flat in the park, watching the big microcosms and marveling at worlds within worlds.

You benefit from having a daily practice that restores your spirits and body. To midyear 2016, you've got the lucky star in the holy of hollies, your private inner sanctum. And the impetus to clean house will help you grow lighter, with less psychic and soul clutter from the past. This is good medicine, for the free spirit you're becoming, and for bringing more of yourself to the magic of the moment.


THE fixity of the last few years has shown you what makes you freeze up, or get too rigid in your routine. You know who you are, and 2015 is a year of sharing yourself more widely than ever before.

There's more forward movement this year, as you restlessly seek new experiences. From mid June to mid September, there's a back cycling for another change to firm up your resolve. So, 2015 is the year for unveiling a grand reopening.

There's magic aplenty in your area of self expression, love and children. All your creations, your unique signature are a source of spiritual nourishment for you now. Also, you're settling in to what enriches and builds on your natural talents. Your self-worth grows daily, as you dig in and experiment with giving shape to your innate gifts.

You've had the lucky star lighting up your work/career area, amping up your natural enthusiasm. Now having gone through the shedding of skins, you're ready to act with more gusto on your big dreams. To mid2015, you make a memorable first impression, bringing a lot of warmth and even passion to the vision you're presenting. It's also a good time for job interviews or making pitches.

A peak for luck happens in early July, when luck planets do the happy dance together there in your work/career area. You could have breakthroughs with investors or a sudden windfall at this time. You could also get a job offer that goes beyond your wildest expectations.

After August 11, Fu Star/Jupiter gets into busy bee mode in your area of friends/allies, magnetizing collaborators of all kinds. Now's the time to delegate like crazy when possible. You might take on an assistant or a business partner. This bodes well for finding the right people to assist you in practical ways.


THE marquee event for Rat/Sagittarius is that the planet of Karma has begun its two plus year journey through your sign from December 23, 2014, to December 19, 2017.

Yours is a sign of boundless physical energy, when you're in top form. Now, you may feel some of the slowing down and heavy vibe of the ringed one. You may find yourself saying no to more events, as you sense the need for more downtime. You may feel the hand of time, and with it, the need to get your act together.

This is a time to wisely protect yourself as you reflect on what's solid, and feel out how to "set in" a new image. What's being restructured is your sense of self, how you move about in the world, and your physical carriage and personality. You begin to sport a new look, one that suits who you are becoming. Friends notice you are settling in to yourself, are less restless, and a bit more serious.

All the while the Karma planet is working its magic on you to bring your self-image up to date, Fu Star/Jupiter leads you into colorful new landscapes, taking you out into the realms of higher knowledge and travel. You could bring your work to a wider sphere, or take your show on the road, so to speak.

Fu Star/Jupiter moves into your work/career area by August 11, for a time when gaining specific skills takes you far. So, the second half of 2015 gives you real traction that's satisfying.

To stitch it up, the stars are making you responsible to your true talents and sense of purpose. Even as you gain footing and a new found sense of Self, you're presented with opportunities to share that evolving unique presence widely, possibly other countries or regions. You could feel the vulnerability that comes with new growth, even as you're risking exposure to new audiences.

The stars are with you to make a solid impression, even as it's clear you're an inspired work-in-progress.


METAMORPHOSIS has become your middle name, with the demanding planet of transformation with you since 2008. You may not know when or if there's going to be a bottom to all this, when you're finally able to begin the rebuilding process.

The tremors in your family life add to the unsettled feeling, but look at how it's shaken you free from ancient and now out-of-sync roles. It's possible you've had a few false starts that involve moving, and that's tougher on you than most. But the inklings of what's emerging are there, in your home life too. There can be shocking new additions, or alliances with friends as family that become a lifeline. It's likely that some real weirdos enter your orbit and spice it up relentlessly.

The stability comes in staying light on your feet, and able to act in the moment.

Fu Star/Jupiter has moved your mojo into your merging and purging area. The bright spots come from the intensity and intimacy of shared ordeals. The kinds of bonds forged now are passionate and formed in trials by fire. If they don't last, they remain imprinted on your soul as significant for all time.

From midyear (August 11) on, Fu Star/Jupiter urges travel, but with a particular assignment or desired end goal. You could travel for work, and meet allies along the way. Fu Star/Jupiter in friendly sign Rooster/Virgo brings you support when you need it, in the shape of assistants or friends with special skills.

A big event for 2015 is when a planetary shift takes place in your private area, making you involved in some kind of moving meditation, like tai chi. You may also be lured to a sanctuary for a retreat, with a "spiritual" angle. Moving is a part of your medicine, and is also helpful when you're in a process of transformation.

Now is when you find yourself reexamining your associations. Are some of them weighing you down? It could be time to disengage from networks or friend circles that are out of sync with who you are becoming.


AS you're the living, breathing version of highly charged currents giving you the ability to activate those in your orbit you bring a whole lot of juice to the moment, with your hair standing on end in a static array.

So an area that continues to hold the energy of what's emerging is new media. You shine when you experiment freely with new ways to share your knowledge. Into 2015, your unique frisson is welcome, and often just what's needed to tip the scales to risking the new over clinging to dear life to the familiar. When you share your vision for a brighter future, and add the spice of warmth, your optimism is contagious.

2015 begins with Fu Star/Jupiter in a stretching opposition to your sign. The growing edge is to colorize your approach, add your personal tones and shades to all you put out there.

And it's auspicious that Fu Star/Jupiter is drawing luck to your solar area of significant lovers and others. Considering how the year begins, it's worth noting this theme of balancing the wild freedom urge with the desires of the heart.

What's new in 2015 is that you're being roused to the visionary edge, friend circles and flashes of the new, so your social life could undergo some renovation. It becomes clear this year, when you're ready to move on from a particular group or affiliation. The demand is structure in your life around friends and colleagues that stir your intellectual curiosity, and even challenge your philosophy of life.

You can meet people, possibly elders, who cause you to rethink your views. Travel could be a natural spinoff of your questing, or you may form alliances with people at a distance.


YOUR supremely sensitive energy body is further mystified by the ephemeral chorus of a Neptunian star. You're already someone tuned in to the nonphysical, but this gives an even looser hold on "reality." This aspect is in your sign for a good long while (to 2026), inviting you to fully explore your own capacity to know life as a multidimensional experience.

The gift in that is being able to freely scoop up quenching inspiration from the stream of the imagination. If you seek an escape from the harshness of life, find currents that nourish your confidence or build on an artistic natural talent.

Take special care, however, to avoid the fear memes circulating like viruses, as the same vivid imagining capacity makes you vulnerable to the phantoms and spooks of the age.

So after many years of keeping a loose structure, to be able to undergo the inner and outer changes these last years, 2015 is one for new, passionately directed ways of being.

An example could be rallying to put on a benefit for a cause. Or you might surprise your friends by getting credentialed in what you already know.

This is a year to acquire skills that give you fluency in your chosen medium. You're able to show off your unique way of presenting or expressing yourself. Your public image has a charge in 2015. You could expand your sphere of influence, and venture into teaching what you know.

The lucky planet Fu Star/Jupiter dances dramatically across your area of health and daily work routine. This influence (until mid2015) gives work a bit more color, and possibly stirs up a flirtation at work, or with an acquaintance you usually see while running errands. The warmth of familiarity is the base for new friends and even a lover in 2015.

Remember: You thrive when you have a cloister for your creativity. Keep the drama on the page or stage, and make 2015 the year you cultivate the craft to go with your artistic talents.

It's the Blue Dye, says Robert F Kennedy, jr, and the MAGA folks sing...

 It's the Blue Dye, says Robert F Kennedy, jr, and the MAGA folks sing...

Thanks For Being!

Thanks For Being!