
June 30, 2023

June 30, Busy Abraham Lincoln, and hello July!

June 30th, if you are like me you are busy as hell.  But get this, so what! On this day in 1864 Abraham Lincoln was busy as hell too accepting the nomination of his party for a second term, along with the resignation of his Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase, and informed his general fighting the Civil War for him had just lost a gruesome battle at Cold Harbor.  

So what does busy Abraham Lincoln do on this day?  He reconfirms his call for a constitutional amendment abolishing slavery, as well as, signs legislation setting aside a track of land in California that couldn't be used for mining and hunting which gave us our first National Park, Yosemite National Park.  

So no matter how busy you may be fighting a war, do something great.  Abraham Lincoln wanted it that way.


July is a special month for special people for special reasons.

To begin with, July 4th is the day that the USA gained its independence from the British Empire.  Now if that isn't special, I don't know what is. 


Americans Revolt

Another special thing about July regarding my Nichiren faith, is that on July 3rd of 1945 a leader of the Soka Gakkai (Josei Toda) was released from prison after refusing to give up his Buddhist faith during the Japanese militarist authorities. 

And finally, it was in July of 1921 that Mao Zedong and a dozen other delegates gathered together in secret to form a new political party. That's right, the Chinese communist party...


oppsss, sorry, anytime I mention Mao Zedong my computer crashes and I get this message from the Republican Party asking for a donation?... Not sure what that means. 

That's it for today. 

June if gone and July is here.  



Thanks For Being!

Thanks For Being!