
April 17, 2022

Merry Easter: the alchemist resting point. A video poem for the whole family.

The spring equinox has always been the day where light and dark come back into balance, and our instincts call for us to go outside and dance with our arms in the air rejoicing in the return of balance.  To those of us with eyes to see, it is the perfect mean, the day of pi, the alchemist resting point.  
In ancient Sumerian times, they called it the Descent of Inanna, the heavenly goddess who descended into the underworld only to be brought back to life three days later by Enki, the pagan god of heaven. 
And even then, we danced with our arms out towards the heavens, the perfect mean.
Then came Ostara, the Spring Fertility goddess associated with bunny rabbits and fertility eggs.  
And still, we danced with our arms out towards the heavens, the day of pi. 
Today, they call it the resurrection of the anointed.   

But still, we dance with our arms out towards the heavens, the alchemist resting point.  

~~ an Eso Terry poem 

It's the Blue Dye, says Robert F Kennedy, jr, and the MAGA folks sing...

 It's the Blue Dye, says Robert F Kennedy, jr, and the MAGA folks sing...

Thanks For Being!

Thanks For Being!