
April 23, 2022

April 23th, Jupiter, Venus, and the End of Rome.

Jupiter and Venus by Max Klinger

It's April 23, oh my.  In Roman Paganism, today was the festival of Jupiter and Venus.  That's right, Jupiter (sometimes referred to as Zeus historically), the god of sky and thunder, controller of Roman fate, and king of all gods; yes, the very top of the gods list.  Well, the published gods list for within the circle of gods there has always been another god, the unseen god, some call him the Demiurge creator god, I just call him, little "g" god. 

Not only was Jupiter the god of lightning and thunder bolts, his was also known as the god of oaths, and therefore was summoned in name for wedding ceremonies.  That's right boys and girls, there was a thing called holy matrimony long before the advent of Christianity, which is no big deal other than the fact that they want you to believe there was nothing before them, and thereby are refusing us our existence in history.  The bastards!

And Venus, the goddess of love and fertility.  The beauty of the beauty.  The other half of the hidden little "g" god who allows us to admire her beauty in times of want.  And if Jupiter is the god of marriage, and he is, then Venus is the goddess of the sexual pleasure to be afforded the newlywed couple later that night.  Born from the turbulent waters of a storm, she came to earth with the loveliest of fragrances which can still be enjoyed those moments just before a rain when the ground opens up to receive her nourishment from the gods, the fragrance of pleasure. 

And when the two gods were celebrated together on this day in ancient Rome, there was wine, dancing, laughter, heated discussions, pantomiming, and, of course, posturing, which always led the chamber.  

Is this not the reason that on this day in the year 410 of our calendar, that the Visigoths used this day to attack Rome and bring an end to our empire? 

I say yes, for it is now written.  

~~ Viola

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Thanks For Being!

Thanks For Being!