
February 4, 2022

Clitoris In The Sky With Diamonds. Metor Watch.


On February 4th, 1803, in Guatemala City, the criminal court (church) began prosecuting Juana Aguilar for the crime of double concubinage with men and women. As the court pursued the case against Aguilar, whose sexual ambiguity quickly came to the fore, the judge referred the matter to the court of the Royal Protomedicato, the bureaucracy that regulated medical and health issues in the colonies. The Protomedicato requested that the physician Narciso Esparragosa examine Juana Aguilar, called by the court “a suspected hermaphrodite,” and present his findings.

She became know as Juana the Long for her persecution, and after the examination, the scandalous size of her clitoris.

Fitting, that on this day in 1967 the US launched the Lunar Orbiter #3 which looked like a woman’s...

I’m just saying.

NOw for the sad stuff, that meteor that is coming right for us is months, if not days away.  This was revealed to me in a dream.  We are due.  I am not sure where it will hit yet, I'll let you know when it is revealed to me.  

Meteors that are passing us today are 2022 BF1, it will be passing at around 1,480,000 km; 2022 AA, it will be passing at 1,580,000 km; 2022 BH2, it will be passing at 940, 000 km.  Tomorrow 2022 BR6 and 2018 CA1 will be passing.  

Until next time, keep your tin hats on.

~~ Dust In The Wind


Thanks For Being!

Thanks For Being!