
January 22, 2022

How to BBQ Meat Loaf: R.I.P Meat Loaf

I have often spoke about coinkydinks, synchronicity, the power of suggestion, or whatever you want to call it.  In Esoteric Terms, these things are the gifts that keep giving.  In a past post (read it here) titled "Be Careful What You Say It Might Kill You." I told you about how Glen Miller, Mark Twain, and others foretold their deaths in idle chit-chat.  What I want to tell you about today though, boys and girls, is a coinkydink that just happened this week with the singer named Meat Loaf who just died.  It seems that on the day Meat Loaf died, Weber Grills put out a new recipe for "BBQ Meat Loaf" on their website, which they have recently come out and apologized for .  It was one of those crazy things like how on the day that the movie Donnie Darko was released,  we lost New York city towers to airplanes.  Yes, the film was released on 9-11.  In the film an aircraft engine falls out of the sky from nowhere with no reason and crashes through a bedroom ceiling.  They had to pull the movie that day and re-release it at a later date.  No chit.   

Getting back to Meat Loaf, he was from East Texas and had studied to be a minister until he decided to drop religion and become an over-weight rock star.  Another No Chit.  I saw him at a small concert in Dallas where I couldn't believe the energy.  I am still vibrating from it.

Anyway, here is the recipe because, well, I think Marvin Lee Aday, his real name, is laughing about it and would want it this way:

Meat Loaf

  • In a large bowl using your hands, gently combine the meat loaf ingredients.
  • Divide the meat loaf mixture in half and form into two loaves, each about 4 inches wide and 6 to 7 inches long. Place the loaves on a sheet pan. 
  • Prepare the grill for indirect cooking over medium-low heat (about 350°F).
  • In a small bowl mix the sauce ingredients. Set aside half of the sauce to serve with the meat loaf. Top each meat loaf with 3 tablespoons of the remaining sauce and coat thoroughly.
  • Using a metal spatula, gently pick up each loaf from the sheet pan and place directly on the cooking grate. Grill the meat loaves over indirect medium-low heat, with the lid closed, until a thermometer inserted into the center of each loaf registers 155°F, 50 minutes to 1 hour. Remove the loaves from the grill and let rest 10 to 15 minutes. Once removed from the grill, the loaves will continue to cook, allowing them to reach the recommended 160°F for ground beef and pork. Cut the loaves into slices and serve with the reserved sauce....


Also, don't forget to create something today for it is January 22, the Festival of the Muses.

That's right, on January 22nd in ancient times, was the Festival of the Muses.  Each year on this date, the invisible spirits that inspire and watch over all poets, musicians, and artists are honored and invoked with Goddess-inspired poetry, Pagan folk songs, and dancing.

And, to enlist the support of your muse, here are the nine daughters of Zeus to call upon:

1. Callipoe, epic poetry and eloguence

2. Clio, history

3. Erato, love poetry

4. Euterpe, lyric poetry and music

5. Polyhymnia, sacred poetry

6. Thalia, pastoral poetry and comedy

7. Melpomene, tragedy

8. Terpsichore, dancing

9. Urania, astronomy


Thanks For Being!

Thanks For Being!