Sorry I've not written in a few weeks, but I've been watching the sun come through my west window with glee every afternoon. It's something you do when you have cancer. You look at everything and see its beauty. The sounds of the little kid riding the big-wheel scooter he got for Christmas has been fun too. I've even enjoyed hearing a Republican woman I've worked with for years complain about how the new president Joe Biden has signed so many new executive orders in his first week of presidency. In the past that would have bugged the leftist-liberal-medical-care-for-all liberal in me to no ends. Now I smiled and enjoyed her words, for her closed-minded negativity reminds me I'm alive.
On a brighter note, the football player they are calling the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) won anohter Super-Bowl yesterday; which reminds me of lyrics I heard in my youth from a local Punk Rock Band, the spiked-hair guy with heavy eye-makeup sang:
"Situation normal: all fucked up!"
Congratulations GOAT quarterback. May the devils of luck continue to shine on for you.
Oh, got to go, here comes the sun!
~~ Dr TV Boogie