
January 20, 2021

Happy Inauguration Day 2021: Ding Dong, He's Gone!

  No peace-loving, freedom seeking, equality and justice for all champion can deny this is a great day.  Case in point:  President Donald Trump, the master of lies and hate, is leaving office.  Hurray, hurray, the evil one is gone.

 Funny this day should give us our first palindrome for a presidential Inauguration Day ever (a palindrome is a word, verse, sentence, or number that reads the same backward and forward).  The next inauguration that falls on a palindrome won't be until Jan. 20, 3021, a thousand years.  Something special is happening.  

Also on this day:

In 1327 Edward II, king of England, is forced from power by his wife, Eleanor of Castille.

Elanor of Castille


In 1649, following the English Civil War, King Charles I is tried for treason. 

King Charles I

  Finally, and definitely poetic justice, in 1986 the federal holiday to commemorate Martin Luther King, Jr, is observed for the first time. 



Mooned by a Gargoyle

The Mooning Gargoyle of Freiburg Minster: A Bold Symbol of Defiance Perched on Freiburg Minster, the mooning gargoyle is more than a playful...

Thanks For Being!

Thanks For Being!