
December 28, 2018

Venus Called Me Last Night

This is bizarre.  This morning, around 5am, I heard someone call my name in the distance.  It woke me up.  Of course, being in my fifties, I took the opportunity to piss.  On the way back to my bed, for some strange reason I decided to look out my window up at the sky, and there in the dark sky was a glowing white star.  I thought it might be a helocopter because it was way bigger than the usual stars.  "Could this be a planet," I asked. 

So I got my iPHone and opened my Skyview Free application and pointed it to the glowing dot and sure enough, it was Venus.  

I knew instantly that that is what had called me and it meant something.  

This morning I looked up what it might be on the Internet, most said something like:

 Venus is the planet that represents love and a Goddess of the same nature. When you have dreams of Venus – either the planet or the Goddess – then you can bet that changes (for the better or worse) are on the horizon for you in the romance department.

 But I also found this on the Botticelli "The Birth of Venus" painting:

Botticelli The Birth of Venus is one of the most famous paintings of all time. One that never ceases to capture our imaginations. Here we take a closer look at this masterpiece and some of the fascinating stories that surround it.

Botticelli painted the Birth of Venus between 1484-85. It was commissioned by a member of the Florentine Medici family, most likely Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco who was a distant cousin of Lorenzo the Magnificent. He also commissioned the artist to illustrate Dante’s Divine Comedy and “Allegory of Spring”. The birth of Venus was hung in his bedroom in the Villa in Castello, near Florence.
This painting is one of the masterpieces of Italian Renaissance and one of the highlights of the Uffizi Gallery in Florence.

Birth of Venus painting

Botticelli The Birth of Venus – What is the meaning?

The painting shows the triumphant Goddess of Love and Beauty. The Romans knew her as Venus, while for the Greeks she was Aphrodite. She stands tall and naked at the centre of the canvas, looking ethereal and luminous. She seems to draw all attention to herself; a symbol of beauty, who is both physical and spiritual. If you believe the neoplatonic philosophers, contemplating her beauty is a way to elevate the human spirit and get closer to the divine.

 Representation of mythological subjects was trending in the Renaissance. Allegories taken from classical culture, olympian divinities and their mythologies were used to express humanistic values. And Botticelli’s city, Florence, was an important centre for humanist studies. Cosimo de’ Medici the Elder sponsored a Platonic Academy here, with philosopher Marsilio Ficino leading the way. With his Birth of Venus, Botticelli was following a trend, speaking the language of the cultured, and pleasing his patrons.   (For the complete article go Here).

Then I found this on the Mythological Venus:

In Greek mythology, Aphrodite was the goddess of love (equivalent to the Roman Venus, Egyptian Goddess Isis, the Phoenician Astarte and the Babylonian Ishtar).
She is known as the Daughter of Heaven and Sea, the child of Uranus and Gaia.
Her story tells of fertility, love and pleasure.
Venus is the goddess of Love and Beauty. She along with her son Cupid (Eros) became a metaphor for sexual love. 

Venus represents the feminine aspect in all of us. She is the creational Earth Mother.
Often seen as the bright, silvery morning or evening star, and is the brightest object in the sky after the sun and the moon. 

She is said to be either a daughter of Zeus or to have sprung from the foam of the sea.
There are two version of her birth. 

In the first version - Hesiod, she was older than Olympians. When the Titan Cronus severed his father's (Uranus) genitals and flung into the sea, the blood and semen caused foams to gathered and floated across the sea to the island of Cyprus. There Aphrodite rose out of the sea from the foam (hence her name came from the word aphros, which means foams). She had experienced no infancy or childhood. She was grown, young woman. The Clam Shell version.
In the second version by Homer, she was known as the daughter of Zeus and the Oceanid Dione. The Cherubs Version. 

She was married to Hephaestus (Vulcan) but had numerous affairs with gods and mortals, the most notorious of these, the goddess' long affair with Ares (Mars) god of war. She was the mother of Eros (Cupid), Deimus (Fear), Phobus (Panic) and Harmonia, wife of Cadmus. 

One of her mortal son, was Aeneas, by her lover was Anchises, king of Dardania. Anchises was crippled by thunderbolt from Zeus, when he revealed that he made love to the goddess.
She supported the Trojans during the war, not only because Paris awarded the apple to her as the fairest, but that Aeneas also fought with the Trojans. She tried to rescue her son, when Diomedes wounded him. Diomedes also wounded her and drove her off the battlefield. 


So, I'll keep you updated on what happens over the next few days.  I mean, it isn't everyday a goddess wakes you up.  

By the way, I had a crystal hanging in that window which was between the planet and me when I looked up at it.  

Man, I haven't had this much fun since I stood nude under the full moon.   

It changes us. 

~~ Eso Terry Jo


Thanks For Being!

Thanks For Being!