
January 22, 2017

Today is the Festival of the Muses: Feel like dancing? You should.

January 22nd, in ancient times, was the Festival of the Muses.  Each year on this date, the invisible spirits that inspire and watch over all poets, musicians, and artists are honored and invoked with Goddess-inspired poetry, Pagan folk songs, and dancing.

And, to enlist the support of your muse, here are the nine daughters of Zeus to call upon:

1. Callipoe, epic poetry and eloguence

2. Clio, history

3. Erato, love poetry

4. Euterpe, lyric poetry and music

5. Polyhymnia, sacred poetry

6. Thalia, pastoral poetry and comedy

7. Melpomene, tragedy

8. Terpsichore, dancing

9. Urania, astronomy

 Finally, an artist clip I made for today's celebration.  Enjoy.

Closed For Business Until Further Notice Due To Wars

 I'm taking a war break: Remember, which ever side you're on, sides suck.  ~~ Eso Terry 

Thanks For Being!

Thanks For Being!