
August 21, 2020

A pissing poem about Donald Trump titled: Criminal Imbecile.



 Okay, I'm still here.  I was hoping Donald Trump would be gone by now but he's not.  I don't get it.  Everyday I expect the rest of the world (the 35% who still support him) to wake up and say, "Okay, we f**ked up, this guy is a criminal imbecile."  

I'm so confused by this that I wrote a poem called 


"Criminal Imbecile."

 (Spoken with the cadence of kids jumping rope.)


A criminal imbecile was elected president

 by a talking bad about the immigrant.

This criminal imbecile had no sense at all

 he took a million dollars and he spent it on a wall. 

This criminal imbecile once went to Russia

 where he was peed on in a shower stall.

The Russian spies still have film of it

 so in reality, Putin is our president.  

If this is the America that you want

 lay on your back and piss strait up

The piss will fall back on you in the same way

 that Donald Trump is pissing today.

That's my poem, sorry if it offends a few of my Republican fiends, I was hoping to offend you all as you have me with your closed-minded hate for the land of the free and home of the brave. 

~~ Dr TV Boogie


Kafka Thouhhts

I don’t like to get political, because I know no matter what we/tgey/them/us do in this world, whlight always wins off darkness, eventually,...

Thanks For Being!

Thanks For Being!