
July 25, 2020


George W Bush with Dr Fauci.

So I've gotten some comments wondering how I could now, after all these years of being a full-fledged liberal Democrat, have joined the Climate-Denying Racist Republican Party -- if they'll have me. 

Well, as I  alluded to in my last post on the subject: Trump is sending in Federal Agents to cities to stop the "liberal democrats" from protesting. and well, I'm afraid.  

There, I said it.  

Trump is serious about shutting up liberals like me with his police state and it looks like his death-cult followers are okay with it, so, if I know what is good for me I'll do as he says.  It will be way easier if I just stand down and let them do as they please because I'm just a poor peasants who really needs to shut the f**k up and stop rocking the boat.

There are other reason too for my change of heart: for one, I now see I was wrong about President George W Bush.  I was one of those liberals who called Bush an idiot and didn't give him a chance much like the Trump supporters are now doing with Joe Biden.  I judged George Bush without giving him any credit for the positive things he did like stand up to the Anti-Vaxxers by getting a vaccination on public TV, and then I laughed at him for speaking to the NAACP convention without giving him any credit for doing so.  

George W Bush with a Black Baby.
So if I was wrong about George W Bush, I must be wrong about Donald Trump and just can't see it yet.  So,  I'll not listen to that inner voice that tells me the environment needs saving and every person in America deserves healthcare, and instead start seeing that the important thing is more tax cuts for the rich and deficit spending for the military.  It's that simple.  Those liberal voices in my head are wrong, stupid, bad. 

So, when they start arresting liberals here in Dallas for protesting against police brutality, or worse, trying to vote by mail, I'll have this post to save my ass because:  I NOW SUPPORT DONALD TRUMP AND EVERYTHING HE STANDS FOR.  BEING LIBERAL MADE ME BLIND.  DONALD TRUMP IS BRILLIANT, SMART, JUST LOOK AT HIS RECENT COGNITIVE TEST IN THE NEW YORKer:

  ~~ Dr TV Boogie (Trump Supporter)

Mooned by a Gargoyle

The Mooning Gargoyle of Freiburg Minster: A Bold Symbol of Defiance Perched on Freiburg Minster, the mooning gargoyle is more than a playful...

Thanks For Being!

Thanks For Being!