So the radical right is really out of control. Seems one of the Yankee Red Necks in Michigan shot a security guard for telling him to put on a face mask at a dollar store. WTF. Then, I was watching this report on MSNBC this afternoon which showed the opening of beaches in Florida. The news guy said the beach bathers were being responsible and practicing safe social distancing. The problem is that one of the beach patrol vehicles was left in the shot showing a long-haired guy walk up to the vehicle without a mask on and hug a guy in the vehicle while shaking his hair like a wet dog. Have a look:
The Hidden thoughts of Eso Terry made public. The only conspiracy is the one brought to you by those who need conspiracies to get power. If you don’t love your neighbor, you don’t love yourself. The only enemy is the one telling you to hate your neighbor. From the bizarre to pop-culture, it's here boys and girls. Love thyself, is what the profits said.
Kafka Thouhhts
I don’t like to get political, because I know no matter what we/tgey/them/us do in this world, whlight always wins off darkness, eventually,...
Okay, so for those of you who understand how some Esoteric Objects can protect themselves, I have an item for you. For Sale, My Ouija Board...