For those of you who have been reading me for these many years, you know I’ve recently gone through some changes: I’m finally getting my Buddha on! It’s gotten so good I now see love for Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell and yes, even hateful Christians —- not to be confused of the good Christians which I estimate to be around 30 percent. You know, the Christians who inspired me to follow the teachings of Christ for the first 30 years of my life. As I have said before, that was before the Christian church became the strong arm of the Republican Party. Then I told them all to go fuck... oppsss, I don’t use that word anymore. I told them all to go find themselves. Which I truly hope they do.
As you know I went through some dark times, Paganism — not that there is anything wrong with it — Gaia TV worshiping, and Esoteric Buddhism... all of which have led me to who I am now.
Stay tuned. The big announcement is coming. There will be some changes. A lot of Happy Buddha type stuff. LOL Zen. And yes, Love for all.