
March 15, 2019

The Ides of March and Donald Trump's many paper cuts.

Well boys and girls, today, March 15th is the day one of our first liberal leaders was murdered by the top 1%.  That's right, The Ides of March and Julius Caesar.  What's that, you didn't know he was a liberal?  Well, yes he was.  He actually took money from the rich and gave to the poor by increasing taxes on them.  He gave the people food, pensions, and most of all dignity.  And like today's top 1% they didn't like it.  So, the wealthy bastards had him killed.  

"Beware the Ides of March!" the augur Spurinna had warned Caesar some days earlier.  But, Caesar didn't listen.  And so, mid-morning on the 15th of March Caesar set off for Pompey's theater, where the Senate was meeting.  En route a friend handed Caesar a note with the details of the assassination plot, but Caesar simply put it with the other letters he was carrying, having no time to read it. 

Entering the theater Caesar saw Spurinna among the crowd. "The Ides of March have come," he mocked.  "Yes," replied the augur, "but they have not yet gone." 

Caesar took his seat, quickly to be surrounded by conspirators who pretended to be paying their respects.  One seized him by the shoulder, and Caesar shook him off, but as he turned away one of the wealthy Casca brothers central to the conspiracy stabbed him just below the throat.  The rest is history.  Taxes were cut and Rome failed.  Kind of like America today under Republican tax cuts.

So, let's see how this Ides of March, 2019 goes.  Reading this morning news, Donald Trump betrayed by a Trio of Republicans who dared to talk during a dinner regarding Trumps stupid Emergency Declaration to Build A Wall, it could be a rough day for the fearless leader.  I mean, how many paper cuts can he survive.  

Hail Caesar!

Stupid Republicans Pretending to Lead.


Thanks For Being!

Thanks For Being!