
July 27, 2018

Those Silly Reagans.

The Reagan's With Their Atheist Astrologer

 Both Ronald and Nancy Reagan relied heavily on astrologers when making decisions, but they were not the first in the White House to do so.  The lives of both Lincoln and Harding also relied on them.  Reagan first became interested in astrology when he was a young actor, and he later got Nancy interested in it.  From then on, their schedules were dictated by their astrologers—who included Jeane Dixon, Carroll Righter, Ed Helen, and Joan Quigley.  British witch Sybil Leek claimed credit for Reagan changing his inauguration as governor from noon to just after midnight.  Ed Helin, who began doing Reagan’s charts in 1949, said, “As President, he was primarily concerned with the timing of events and how his popularity would b affected by his actions.  he called me to determine the best timing for invading Granada, for bombing Libya, for launching the Challenger—things like that.”  helix was paid by the Republican National Committee and was still doing work for them in 1990.

`Although the Reagans professed to be very religious, they almost never went to church.  But for their 1980 campaign, arrangements were made for them to attend an Episcopal service in Virginia.  As they were about to take communion, Nance asked Mike Deaver, “Are those people drinking out of the same cup?”  He explained that they would be given wafers first and they would dip it into the cup.  Reagan couldn’t hear these instructions and was asking, “What? What?”  to which Nancy responded, “Ron, just do exactly as I do.”  As the tray of wafers came by, she took one, dipped it in the chalice, accidentally dropped it in the wine, and turned to Deaver with a horrified expression.  Reagan promptly took the host, dipped it, and dropped it into the wine as well.  Deaver said, “I watched the minister move on, shaking his head, staring at the blobs of gunk floating in his wine.”

If this isn’t Orwellian, I don’t know what is.  On my way into work this morning I heard a report on NPR that stated “Americans Are Saving Less Than They Have Since 2007.”  Interesting, I thought, remembering how that fact was true in my life, how after the George Bush meltdown of the economy and a bad-film investment, I was broke.  Nice to know I’m still in the average.

Then, I get in the office and imediately begin avoiding work by looking at the news feed on my favorite morning web search — which includes — and I see this headline: Bloomberg: Americans Have Been Saving Much More Than Thought

Ouch, me head hurts!

Kafka Thouhhts

I don’t like to get political, because I know no matter what we/tgey/them/us do in this world, whlight always wins off darkness, eventually,...

Thanks For Being!

Thanks For Being!