
April 9, 2016

UFO in the mountains?

A story appeared at the Drudge Report and linked to the Mirror on Thursday suggesting that the Arizona mountains are harboring an unidentified flying object.

So here are the details from that story:

The story says someone who was "flying" around on Google Earth discovered the alleged UFO. The coordinates place it near the Arizona-New Mexico border in a place called Swaggart Springs. The Google Earth screen capture shows some sort of structure and parked next to it is a white SUV. Roads seem to be non-existant in the area, but, that doesn't really mean much. 

So, what could this image depict? It could be a housing structure of some sort. It could be an inflatable of some sort. It could be a UFO. It could be nothing.

Here are the map coordinates for those of you who want to do your own satellite imagery interpretation: 31° 26′ 43″ N 109° 04′ 30″ W

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 I'm taking a war break: Remember, which ever side you're on, sides suck.  ~~ Eso Terry 

Thanks For Being!

Thanks For Being!